
Could Progressive Jackpots Make Their Way onto Consoles?

Casino games have undoubtedly provided the whole world of entertainment with some intriguing developments and innovations that have made their way into other sectors.

One that hasn’t moved just yet though is progressive jackpots, which does seem rather odd, especially given how modern of an idea it is. 

Firstly, some background on the idea of progressive jackpots and their current use cases and applications. The principle of a progressive, or perpetually rising jackpot is not something that is new to the gambling world and has indeed been around within slot machines in some bricks and mortar settings. The mere advent of casinos in online spaces allowed the same idea to be repurposed and built upon. In most instances, it has been fused with the classic casino games of slots in specific mechanisms that include the likes of Jackpot King at Paddy Power. The move online has also allowed the subsequent development of online slots themselves to contain more eye-catching graphics and therefore take on different themes, which could lead itself nicely into certain console games.

It is worth noting that certain elements of online slots have already been applied to games in the past; the mere mechanic of a spin-the-wheel and slot-type game has become commonplace in everything from GTA V’s casino to Forza Horizon 4. The latter especially has taken the spirit of slot games and applied it in the context of every time a player levels up, they get the chance to get a ‘Wheelspin’, from which they can win either special cars, emotes or clothing items. It used to be the case that players could spend out to get more wheelspins, but this feature was since scaled back so that they can only be obtained through game progression.

Arguably the move to progressive jackpots in such games is only a short step away from the current slot mechanics within these titles, although the way in which they could be implemented may be a little different. They could be put into the usual wheelspin format, although could of course be built into the game’s online multiplayer. For instance, as an online championship goes on, there could be a mechanic where some of the racer’s winnings get siphoned off into a progressive jackpot. Once it finishes, the championship winner has the chance to win the bigger jackpot. Or, it could be split over the community and entire game world, so what could happen is that one lucky racer from the community wins an online adventure for instance and then wins the progressive jackpot, in a similar way to slots and progressive jackpots.

It’s definitely possible that the idea of progressive jackpots could be implemented into console games such as Forza Horizon 4, especially given that a part of the technology is already there to make it happen. Given how well the implementation of progressive jackpots has gone in the casino space too, it would make sense to consider them for other forms of entertainment.

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